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My Journey

Hello! I'm Cassie and I am a Spiritual Energy Facilitator. I believe in the powerful force of energy and the divine understanding that the infinite origin of our Spirit is made up of the energic force of the Creator. Along with that, I am a Certified Spiritual Life Purpose Coach and author of my book called "Mastering Your Inner Dimensions - Vol I."


My focus is all about understanding the many facets of our inner blueprint and how to use the powerful and mysterious force of energy that surrounds us to assist clients in how to transform their silent inner wounds of toxic emotions into the energic light of self-love by connecting to the Higher-Self and in knowing that everything begins and ends with our energy. By aiding in the process of accessing your divine core, one will be able to balance and harmonize the energy from within and begin to build the life you deserve in the truth of divine enlightenment. 


I had the ability to pick up on the energies and sometimes the thoughts and emotions of many around me but did not understand what it meant and continually felt like the very weird one around the people I knew. I forced myself to "be normal" and not stray from my upbringing, but as I grew older my inner angry and grief had grown as I felt that my soul was trapped in a sea of erroneous beliefs and fearful of the expectations from others. It took many decades of being in this confused state, along with a healthy dose of personal and professional failures, including a battle with cancer, to even begin to understand what it all meant and how it explained who I really am at my core. 


After finally doing the inner work of healing through forgiveness, love, and letting go of situations that no longer served their purpose in enhancing my life, I walked towards the light of higher intelligence and stepped into the path of growth and research in understanding our human truth and the oneness to the universal energy of the Creator.


My work is not about convincing anyone to believe what I believe. We all have a choice. I don't claim any professional connections to the medical industry, my work is based strictly on the personal spiritual experiences we come into this life with, and I only share what I know for sure, as I have taken the time to do my own research as well as to connect with my spirit team in order to understand these truths for myself.  It is with a passion and peace-of-mind that I walk this path and I have applied myself to be guided to learning in several different areas to enhance my natural abilities as I matured.  


Since 2016, I have in-depth training, knowledge, and certification in several spiritual practices such as: Shamanic Journeying, Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT/LV1), Quantum Master Reiki and Crystal-Chakra Healing, Akashic Records Healing, and Dream Interpretations, Qigong, and other eastern spiritual practices in energy work.


I am a part of this spiritual process because I now know that we all agreed to be here to experience physical life on this planet in order to understand the power of our ability to create, to love, to heal, and to exist as one through unity of a collective.

The Creator has left us millions of breadcrumbs in plain sight and some in hidden spaces in order to help us find the truth. The truth that the dark forces of humanity only manifest on the outside, because they began from within us through the many fears that we hold about life, ourselves, each other, and our place in this universe.


The change we so passionately crave begins with mastering our inner world and we can only find it through the inner healing of the soul. This is part of my purpose, and my hope is that I can help you find your healing and the path to the light to understanding of your own true purpose!

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