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Excerpts from my book "Mastering Your Inner Dimensions."

"Dreaming is the subconscious form of communication. We are either repeating, remembering, projecting, or creating certain events in our dreams. The dream realm is the alternate world surrounded by metaphor. It resembles real life in many ways and does so because it is our perspective of life. Dreams are an everyday occurrence that many often overlook upon waking and do not give much thought to unless the dream leaves a striking impression. So let’s analyze where dreams take place.

During sleep, dreams occur on the spiritual, astral planes between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th-dimensional realms, and they function as portal ways that illustrate the visual, audible, mental, and emotional imagery of information, retrieving (either in abstract or literal form) the experiences of our present, past, or future life. The dream world also gives us an awareness of the 4th and 5th dimensions from our 3rd-dimensional view.

There are still many in society who question whether or not dreams are messages from the subconscious to the conscious mind – however, the question itself is superfluous as the answer from both the natural and spiritual perspective is a resounding yes, they are! For this reason, it is helpful to understand how dreams can be categorized and decoded.

The original blueprint of the dream world was designed as a gateway for us to connect to the powers of our spirit guides and the higher-self, allowing us to plug into the vital force energy coming from the Creator to aid us in our life’s journey. When we are able to naturally acquire sound and restful sleep, we are able to make that connection seamlessly. This is the prime directive of sleep itself and the main reason why good sleep habits are critical."

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