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As a Master Quantum Reiki, Chakra, and Crystal Healer, I know that these are powerful energy techniques that can be used to cleanse your spiritual body of toxins, alleviate emotional pain and trauma, and gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.

My combined use of the energies of quantum reiki, crystal, sound and breathwork, and spiritual acupuncture allows me to be able to scan the body in order to identify where pain and trauma (s) reside in the spiritual (auric and chakra) body. This powerful combination helps to aid in clearing your body of immediate spiritual toxins while promoting clarity and mental focus. The overall goal is to help reactivate the “chi’ in the body by removing any spikes, thorns, seals, spiritual parasites, or blocks found while allowing spiritual transformation to begin.


NOTE: In the rare case that a reading will reveal more than ten blocks it may be necessary to split the reading into two sessions in order to allow a balance of energy intake for all the information, but this will be up to the client and will not incur any additional fees for a split session.

Reiki Treatment
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